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  •  Fever - fevers are a sign that the body is fighting off an infection, and they are actually used to trigger a chain reaction that stimulates the immune system. The signaling pathway Nuclear Factor kappa B has proteins that respond to the presence of viral molecules in the system, and they switch on a specific gene called A20, which controls the body’s inflammatory response. When these A20 genes are turned on, the body’s temperature rises due to inflammation. 
  • Difficulty breathing & Coughing - This is a result of the alveoli in the lungs filling with fluid that leaked from tiny blood vessels, and becoming inflamed. This often results in pneumonia. Because the alveoli are filled with fluid, this limits the amount of oxygen that the lungs are able to take in. 
  • Loss of taste or smell - the virus causes inflammation around or in the nerves in the nasal lining, which causes it to be unable to function properly which results in the loss of smell. Because much of the sense of taste results from smell, taste is also lost. 
  • Nausea, Vomiting, or Diarrhea - one of the main targets for the SARS-CoV-2 virus are the absorptive enterocytes cells in the intestines, which play a role in absorbing nutrients. Because these cells have become host cells for the virus and can no longer function properly, many nutrients will not be absorbed in the intestines and this results in diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pains.
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