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Mode of Infection

  • What specific cells does it infect

    • The host cell must express RNA sequences for both the proteins necessary for SARS-CoV-2 to infect it: ACE2 and TMPRSS2

    • Researchers at MIT used the data from the Human Cell Atlas project to track down which cells express RNA for these 2 proteins, and therefore are the target cells for covid 19

    • Nasal passages - goblet secretory cells - main role of these cells is to secrete mucus 

    • Lungs - type II pneumocytes -  lines the alveoli and secretes surfactant, which reduced surface tension of pulmonary fluids and contributes to the elasticity of the lungs

    • Intestines - absorptive enterocytes - lines the inside of the large and small intestine & help facilitate and absorb some nutrients

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